Tag : eBay

6 years, 5 months ago 0
Posted in: Walkmans

I’ve found via Renzgi at Stereo2go forums that the famous very first version of the SONY TPS-L2 ‘guys & dolls’ is shown at Pawn Stars TV show. Looks that it’s still for sale in their shop: https://gspawn.com/1979-sony-walkman-stereo-cassette-player-tps-l2-guys-dolls-version/ I’m surprised that these units go for such a high price. Gosh! 1200$ is a lot of money for […]

6 years, 6 months ago 0
Posted in: Walkmans

I must confess reading this article made me think I must be an important person… or at least I have a somewhat relevant website. None of them are true, but I bet the latter is closer. Yes, The Hollywood Reporter published an article and they made several references as “according to Walkman-Archive…”. Gosh! If someone told me […]

7 years, 5 months ago 0
Posted in: MP3

No, it’s not a super-ultra-high-end player as you may be thinking, it’s the absolute opposite: the very first and most basic player ever. The Saehan Mpman was indeed the very first MP3 player in the history and had very basic features: just play, stop, next and previous song. And a mere 32MB capacity. Yes, you read […]

8 years, 10 months ago 0
Posted in: Walkmans

I’ve recently contacted by eBay to write an article about my history for their webpage and their social networks, and I thought I would be a nice idea to promote my activity. And here’s the result: http://www.ebay.es/gds/Walkman-Archive-coleccionista-de-walkmans-/10000000205664776/g.html Hope you enjoy it.    

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