Tag : Recording

5 years, 5 months ago 0
Posted in: Cassettes

After receiving both new tapes from my friends at Cassette Comeback I’ve started to briefly test the tapes. It’s not a thorough review but there’s the main question: how well -or not- do they perform? Let’s check it out. [UPDATE 3/12/2019] I have been informed that the NAC is preparing to “finally release their Ferromaster […]

7 years, 5 months ago 0
Posted in: Walkmans

Getting good information about recording techniques on magnetic tape is difficult. All that comes from an era where Internet didn’t exist and sharing information  wasn’t as easy as nowadays. So finding a though book that explains in detail many good techniques is indeed an excellent find. This book talks about good recording techniques, as well […]

7 years, 6 months ago 0
Posted in: Boomboxes, Cassettes

I love to do recordings, and I always do them in one of my decks (see my collection in this video). Using a good deck and proper guidelines (as explained in my guide to make good recordings) does end up in a very good quality. Much more than many people think a cassette can hold. […]

7 years, 6 months ago 0
Posted in: Decks

Some time ago I got a nice TASCAM 414 MkII added to my collection. It’s a very cool cassette-based recording deck with 4 independent channels. It was used by small bands in the early 90s to record their songs without having to spend high money on a studio. Though it hasn’t 8 or 16 tracks as professional […]

8 years ago 0
Posted in: Walkmans

After some time without publishing anything about walkmans, I’m back with some news: I have recently acquired which is probably the smallest walkman ever made: the SONY WM-R707. This model has the same external size as the mythical WM-701C but with the addition of a recording circuit in the same form factor (which is an […]

8 years, 5 months ago 0
Posted in: Cassettes, Decks

Well, finally after many weeks of [sporadic] work I could finish my new Guide to excellent recordings which represents the part II of my previous guide to good recordings. On this new guide I cover many new aspects, getting deeper in the techniques of recording with: quality of the cables Muting sound of all open […]

8 years, 5 months ago 0
Posted in: Cassettes, Decks

Every cassette fan loves to record tapes. Sooner or later many of them want to do good recordings, and with a decent 3-head deck it comes the necessity to adjust the bias for a particular tape. But… what is bias and how should it be adjusted? Learn how in this video:  

8 years, 5 months ago 0

Regarding my last post on which I explained how to use an old HP48 calculator to calculate the total duration of a playlist in Spotify, I guess many readers doesn’t have such a calc. Well, this video will show you how to download and install a free HP48 emulator, so… problem solved!    

8 years, 5 months ago 0
Posted in: Cassettes

Every time when I recorded my mixtapes I wanted to be sure that I don’t waste not a few seconds of tape. If you are about to record an entire album on a cassette, it looks that just by having a cassette that matches the total duration of the album is enough… but it isn’t. […]

9 years, 6 months ago 0
Posted in: Cassettes, Decks

I have just published a complete guide showing how to properly record music on to a cassette from digital sources (like MP3, Spotify…) with good quality. All presented step-by-step, aimed for newbies that want to learn the entire process starting from zero knowledge.   The complete guide to make good recordings (on cassette) I hope […]

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