Tag : TDK

5 years ago 0
Posted in: Cassettes

I’ve created a new video for my channel. Unfortunately, Youtube has blocked it due to the new 13th EU rule, so I cannot publish it… there. I was encouraged to make this video after seeing videos from @Oswaldo Martinez and others. In this video I show you how I record a vinyl on an excellent tape. It’s […]

6 years, 3 months ago 0
Posted in: Cassettes

I know, I know, cassettes can sound great! But you know, many people out there (and even here) do think that they suck and sound horribly, but cassettes scale very well with your gear. And if you use excellent gear, even a very old tape can sound great. To demonstrate that, I’ve made a video […]

6 years, 4 months ago 0
Posted in: Cassettes

These are the latest cassettes that I’ve added to my collection. Some of them I found in a flea market and the UCX-S was a gift from my friend Mankamaz. I’ve never seen one of this tapes in my country: In fact I wasn’t even aware that they existed. Same for this one: I bet […]

6 years, 11 months ago 0
Posted in: Cassettes

I was searching for a 1st generation TDK SA and found some at eBay from a trusted seller. I bought one and I was very happy… until it arrived and I opened it. I realized then that it was a fake tape. A rare clone 1st gen TDK SA. Are you curious? Please see this […]

7 years ago 0
Posted in: Cassettes

I recently started a thread at S2G forums where I search some someone that wants to exchange some rock. I love rock (specially hard and alternative rock) and wanted to swap. After some work, I ended up with a list of songs that I’ve recorded on a 90 min tape. First I recorded them in […]

7 years, 5 months ago 0
Posted in: Cassettes

Back in the 80s I bought my first prerecorded cassettes (which in my country were called ‘musicassette‘), mainly from hard rock bands like AC/DC and a few others. I always thought that musicassettes sound well, sometimes a bit better that my own recordings with my own boombox, but not much better. My knowledge about sound […]

7 years, 6 months ago 0
Posted in: Cassettes

I have never seen or had a tape like this, but now that I have it (and having talked about it previously), I guess it probably exists many ones similar to this one in various models and from various brands. As you can see this tape is for dealers, aimed to show how good does […]

7 years, 11 months ago 0
Posted in: Cassettes

I admit: I’m a TDK fan. I think almost all their tapes as at least very good. And their top range is truly excellent. The SA-X is one of my favorites, and I have a bunch of them ranging from almost the very first year they were released until the late 90s. So when I […]

8 years, 9 months ago 0
Posted in: Cassettes

Just for the time when cassettes will become extremely rare and/or expensive, I’ve started searching for brand new ones some years ago. They are increasingly becoming expensive and rare, specially those good ones. It’s not rare to see many at 3-6 euros per unit today. I have quite a big reserve at this moment, and […]

9 years, 5 months ago 0
Posted in: Walkmans

I’ve received recently a tape that surprised me too much. Apparently, there’s nothing strange outside: but when I opened the case I found such a rare print inside the j-card: Make no mistakes, this is not a sticker or a crop from a magazine that the previous owner has put inside. It is PRINTED directly in the paper […]

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