Category : Walkmans

9 months ago 0
Posted in: Cassettes, News, Walkmans

This week I had to visit Madrid for work and met a guy that is also a cassette fan. He took me to the ‘La Cassetteria‘, a very curious cassette label that also has a store where they sell their own releases as well as old cassettes, new launches and even walkmans and decks. He […]

4 years, 4 months ago 0
Posted in: Walkmans

On 6th of march, Recording The Masters announced their new project, which consists in releasing a new walkman. Yes, I know what you’re probably thinking: are they gonna release another cheap walkman like those rubbish chinese stuff? Well, that’s not exactly the idea. What they want to release is a good walkman, one that sounds well, […]

4 years, 8 months ago 0
Posted in: Decks, Walkmans

That’s exactly what the guy behind the Youtube channel called This does not compute thought when he felt he wanted to come back using cassettes. He explains his experience in an excellent video:    

4 years, 8 months ago 0
Posted in: Walkmans

As you may know, dear reader, some of our beloved grey or white gadgets show yellow fading over the years. White and light grey plastics turn brown-yellow with time. This is most seen in 80s computers. Ok, so I learnt how to apply a technique called retrobrighting to this plastics thanks to this video by The 8-bit […]

4 years, 9 months ago 0
Posted in: Walkmans

As you surely know, musicassettes (or prerecorded cassettes) are widely know for not sounding well. In fact, average people believes that all cassettes do actually sound pretty bad. But beside what an average person thinks, what I’m interested to dig in is to figure out if musicassettes can actually sound pretty well. Want to know […]

5 years ago 0
Posted in: Walkmans

Yes, in july 1, 1979, SONY presented to the world the TPS-L2 that will change it. They weren’t aware of how much that product will change the way we listen to music, but they indeed changed it, forever. Yes, the one you can see above is the famous “Guys & Dolls” unit that was the […]

5 years, 10 months ago 0
Posted in: News, Walkmans

There’s an audiophile magazine that you may not know, called TONE 2.0. In their previous issue (no. 89) they published an article about walkmans, yes! What’s best is that it’s downloadable for free!  

5 years, 10 months ago 0
Posted in: Walkmans

My good friend TJ Autoreverse has been interviewed by! I didn’t knew this magazine but it seem that’s very popular out there. The video is so cool! CHECK OUT HIS INTERVIEW AT OZY I’m proud to be the guy that initiated him into walkmans and cassettes. Seeing how far is he going I can only say: […]

6 years ago 0
Posted in: Cassettes, Walkmans

Yes, this friday 27th I’ll be CJ’ing again at Cara B pub in Barcelona with cassettes and walkmans. Yes, you read well: with cassettes and walkmans! If you like analog music as well as 70s and 80s pop, rock and pop/rock music, then you just got a plan for this friday! See you there!

6 years ago 0
Posted in: Walkmans

The AIWA portable speakers in action, feeded with my Super-DD9 by Dr Walkman. Yes, through my phone’s built-in mic the quality cannot be fully enjoyed, but I assure you that they sound great. Powerful, clean, full and rich.

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