
8 years, 9 months ago 0
Posted in: HI-FI, Walkmans

Some years ago I knew about a guy that seemed to me that knew very well how to service a walkman. He is known as ‘Dr Walkman‘. It was actually in Stereo2go forum where I met him. I contacted him personally and wanted him to service and upgrade my D6C to make some sort of ‘Super-D6C’. I was […]

8 years, 9 months ago 0

We love walkmans, and headphones are an important factor for truly enjoying them. Choosing the right headphones can be a difference like night and day. Your walkman can be excellent as a source but a wrong headphone can make you hear not-so-good (or actually bad) sound. So, which ones are better? Don’t miss my latest […]

8 years, 9 months ago 0
Posted in: Cassettes

Just for the time when cassettes will become extremely rare and/or expensive, I’ve started searching for brand new ones some years ago. They are increasingly becoming expensive and rare, specially those good ones. It’s not rare to see many at 3-6 euros per unit today. I have quite a big reserve at this moment, and […]

8 years, 10 months ago 0
Posted in: Walkmans

I’ve recently contacted by eBay to write an article about my history for their webpage and their social networks, and I thought I would be a nice idea to promote my activity. And here’s the result: Hope you enjoy it.    

8 years, 11 months ago 0
Posted in: Decks

I want to share with you my experience with Alex Nikitin, the technician from A.N.T. Audio in the UK. I wanted a Pioneer CT-F1250 since some time ago, but knowing that it’s a rather old deck I knew that it would need a definitely good servicing, so I consider sending to him. In fact, after founding one […]

8 years, 11 months ago 0
Posted in: HI-FI

Since I was a teen I loved small HI-Fis. As many other teens, money didn’t let me go as far as to have a boombox (an excellent one, though). But I kept dreaming… There are lots of choices if you search for a standard factor equipment, but very very few if you look for mini-sized […]

8 years, 12 months ago 0
Posted in: Decks

I have recently acquired an impressive Pioneer RT-909 reel to reel. As it’s a 30 year-old machine, it needed a complete check and servicing as you may guess. Here’s how it arrived. Not full of dust, but definitely dirty: The rollers were also disintegrated: And this is how the heads looked like. Full of dust […]

8 years, 12 months ago 0
Posted in: Decks

I never had seen a reel to reel machine until a few years ago. I mean, in person. I have only seen them in some books and in a few movies. My interest on them has growed in the latest years, after I discovered the incredible quality of the high-end analog audio. Many people talk […]

9 years ago 0
Posted in: Cassettes

I’ve just seen this gallery at flickr, from an user called iri5. It’s better an image than 1000 words… The complete gallery is here:

9 years ago 0
Posted in: Walkmans

Moved to the Featured section: Brushed metal walkmans: some of the most rare and stylish

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