
4 years, 8 months ago 0
Posted in: Walkmans

As you may know, dear reader, some of our beloved grey or white gadgets show yellow fading over the years. White and light grey plastics turn brown-yellow with time. This is most seen in 80s computers. Ok, so I learnt how to apply a technique called retrobrighting to this plastics thanks to this video by The 8-bit […]

4 years, 9 months ago 0
Posted in: Cassettes

You have probably read some articles by big news companies ‘warning’ people that cassettes are back. I’ve linked some here. And you probably noticed that most of them blame on the same things again and again: cassettes are obsolete, they sound like crap, they are a non-sense, the make a mess sticking to the roller… […]

4 years, 9 months ago 0
Posted in: Cassettes

This friday started the International Disco Fair at Barcelona, like every year, and I went to see which vinyls and cassettes I could find. It’s a nice fair, though expensive as you have to pay 6€ to enter, no matter if you buy or not. After some searching I found some, though it wasn’t easy: […]

4 years, 9 months ago 0
Posted in: Walkmans

As you surely know, musicassettes (or prerecorded cassettes) are widely know for not sounding well. In fact, average people believes that all cassettes do actually sound pretty bad. But beside what an average person thinks, what I’m interested to dig in is to figure out if musicassettes can actually sound pretty well. Want to know […]

4 years, 10 months ago 0
Posted in: Cassettes

I’ve recently bought a box of these cassettes because once I saw them, I thought I had to have them! They are really cool. My two sons also love them and ‘stole’ me a pair for their collection Regarding sound quality they are not anything formidable but at least they are not like those cheap […]

4 years, 10 months ago 0
Posted in: News

We have some good news: this friday there’s a new cassette party at Zaragoza, Spain. It will be driven by my good friend TJ Autoreverse, which has one of the world’s biggest walkman collection in the world, with around 1.100 walkmans. He will use his D6C, some DD (DD33, DD30) and some modern SONY from […]

4 years, 11 months ago 0
Posted in: Cassettes

I found this while watching my wall in facebook and I was suprised not just for seeing how casettes are gaining interest over the mass population, but also because that Pioneer CT-F1250 and that hand are actually mines! Yes, that’s from my video of the Awesome mix from the Guardians of the galaxy movie: This […]

5 years ago 0
Posted in: Cassettes

I’ve created a new video for my channel. Unfortunately, Youtube has blocked it due to the new 13th EU rule, so I cannot publish it… there. I was encouraged to make this video after seeing videos from @Oswaldo Martinez and others. In this video I show you how I record a vinyl on an excellent tape. It’s […]

5 years ago 0
Posted in: Walkmans

Yes, in july 1, 1979, SONY presented to the world the TPS-L2 that will change it. They weren’t aware of how much that product will change the way we listen to music, but they indeed changed it, forever. Yes, the one you can see above is the famous “Guys & Dolls” unit that was the […]

5 years, 2 months ago 0
Posted in: News

I’ve just received a new book published by vetroeditions in Germany about cassettes, walkmans and boomboxes, and… it’s very nice! The book explains all about the cassette culture: the cassette itself, it’s history, the walkman, the boombox… Here is a short video I made: I’m so glad that I collaborated with these guys sending them […]

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